Accounts & Characters * —————
Clues and Puzzles * —————
By chronological order (or at least I tried).
Confirmed canon/linked
————— Chapter 1 —————
Dreamcatcher account tweeted/posted this video.The video led us to the account of our first character: ymenehcra99.
We discover that ymenehcra99 has been tweeting a series of occurrences in the next order:
Oct 12th (KST)
Oct 13th
Oct 14th
Korean:얼마 전부터 저는 이상한 일들을 겪고 있습니다. 이 이상한 종이를 주운 후부터 모든 일이 시작되었습니다. 이 종이에 대해 알고계시거나 저와 같은 일을 겪으신 분들은 저에게 DM부탁드립니다.9월 9일, 제 생일파티가 끝난 후의 일이었습니다. 친구들과 함께 놀고 집에 오는 길에서 우연히 이 봉투가 바닥에 떨어져 있는 것을 보게 되었습니다. 안에 무언가 들어있어서 궁금하기도 했고 취하기도 했던 터라 종이를 주워 봉투 안의 내용을 확인하였습니다. 확인한 이후부터의 다음날 아침까지의기억이 제게는 없습니다. 너무 과음해서 필름이 끊긴 것으로 생각했던 저는 대수롭지 않게 넘어갔습니다. 그리고 그날부터 저는 기억이 한번씩 사라지기 시작했습니다. 그 기억이 사라졌을 때, 저는 제가 모르는 이상한 행동들을 하게 됩니다. 가족이나 지인들이 그때 왜 그랬냐는 식으로 물어본 적이있긴 했지만 기억이 없었기에 무슨 소리 하는 건지 알아들을 수 없었고 내가 잊어버렸나보다 하고 단순하게 넘어갔습니다. 하지만 며칠 전 저는 유튜브에 들어가고 이상한 아이디로 로그인된 것을 발견합니다. 제가 만든 적이 없는 처음 보는 아이디였습니다. 심지어는 트위터도 새로운 계정으로로그인되어 있었습니다. 지금 트윗을 올리고 있는 이 계정이 바로 그 계정입니다. 새로운 계정이 생기는 것들쯤이야 별거 아니니 그냥 넘어갈 수 있습니다. 하지만 어제 트위터에 들어와 보니 이상한 사진이 하나 올라와 있었고 휴대폰을 해킹당한 줄 알고 놀란 채로 친구들에게 고민을 토로했습니다.친구들은 일단 무서우니 사진부터 삭제하라고 하여 삭제하였습니다. 그러나 오늘 다시 들어와 보니 같은 사진이 또 올라와 있었습니다. 아무튼 친구들은 요새 들어 제가 다른 사람 같았다며 친구가 그리던 왕관 그림을 찢기도 또 모르는 사람 가방에 붙어있는 왕관키링을 떼간 적도 있다고 하였습니다.제가 이렇게 공격적인 행동을 하였다는 것이 너무 무섭게 느껴졌고 저는 해결책을 찾고 싶었습니다. 하지만 이상하게도 그때부터 왕관을 찾게 되면 모든 것이 해결될 것이라는 확신이 머릿속을 떠나지 않습니다. 제발 제가 왕관을 찾을 수 있도록 도와주세요. RT 부탁드립니다.Translation:For quite a while, I've been going through some strange occurrences. These strange things all started when I picked up this strange piece of paper. If there is anyone who knows about this paper or has been through something similar, please DM me.It was after my birthday party on September 9th. On my way home after hanging out with my friends, I happened to see this envelope on the floor. I was curious and drunk because there was something inside, so I picked up the paper and checked the contents inside the envelope.I had no memories of checking it, even from the next morning. I don't have any memories. I thought the film was cut off because I drank too much, but I didn't care. And from that day on, my memory began to fade. When that memory disappears, I do strange things that I don't know. My family and acquaintances asked me why I did that.I had done it, but I didn't remember, so I couldn't understand what they were talking about, and I simply moved on, wondering if I had forgotten. But a few days ago, I went onto YouTube and found myself logged in with a weird ID. It was my first time seeing an ID that I've never made it. Even my Twitter is using a new account.I was logged in. The account I'm tweeting about right now is the one. It's not a big deal to have a new account, so I can just move on. But, when I came onto Twitter yesterday, I saw a strange picture and I was surprised that my phone was hacked, and I told my friends about my concerns.My friends told me to delete the picture at first because they were scared. But when I came back in today, the same picture was posted again. Anyways, my friends said that I looked like a different person these days, and that I had taken off the crown key ring attached to a person's bag that I didn't even know about.It felt so scary that I was acting this aggressive, and I wanted to find a solution. But strangely enough, I can't seem to find peace until I find that crown and solve it all. Please help me find the crown. RT, please.
Letter translated:Note to all who read it:
※ These instructions are a written reminder for future generations.
※ Be careful. ????? can cause you to hurt each other and has the power to charm.
Remember this.
※ After carefully reading the document, burn it in a place where the crown cannot see you.
Don't believe everything.1. It is wealth and honor. It's a dangerous thing that holds power. Don't try to find the crown carelessly.2. As soon as you hear anything related to the crown, spread the word about it to others.3. After a week of hearing the story, someone will come visit you just before dawn. Don't open the door, think of your family.4. If you don't open the door, you can see the face beyond the window/door.5. Stop those who seek the crown. (Transl note: Since the letter is wrinkled and damaged, it might be Don't stop)6. Do not wait for those who left.
Oct 16th
Oct 20th
9mynameis_1 is introduced.
9mynameis1 replies to the Bunny and dartboard photo.
9mynameis1 replies to the hands photo ymenecra99 is referring to in the previous tweet/post.
ymenehcra99 tells us more of whatever is happening to them.
NOTE: Chronologically, this is when the Dreamcatcher official account made a tweet linking to ymenehcra99's video of them getting a message .
Oct 21st
9mynameis1 privates their account and goes silent.
ymenehcra99 starts replying to other people.
Tweet, previously translated: If anyone has developed a strange obsession with crowns recently, please send me a DM. Please RT too.Dayb_Dayd
"DM 답장 부탁드려요"Translation: Please reply to my DM.ymenehcra99
안녕하세요. 현재 DM이 너무 많이 와서 하나하나 답변 드릴 수 없는 상태입니다. 저와 비슷한 경험을 하셨다는 분들 위주로 답변 드리겠습니다.Translation: Hi. There are currently too many DMs, so I can't reply to all of them. I will mainly respond to those who have had similar experiences to me.
Oct 22nd
ymenehcra99 then replies to some DMs and most responses are consistently of this nature.
The group Dreamcatcher has a fan meeting and the fans find a bunny at the site with a QR code.
QR Code opens a Youtube video and we discover it's ymenehcra99's YT account. Uploaded on Oct 17th. (Note: Date of upload might be irrelevant)
In the video there are multiple clues.
And 1 Hidden clue discovered as of now.
ymenehcra99's YT account gives us other clues, as it contains comments left in multiple channels and videos. They are mostly on the Dreamcatcher's YT channel.There 7 messages, feel free to check the videos for clues.
Cr: kazeni_san
Translations: Do you believe in the power of the crown? Follow the mark of the crown if you believe it.
Translations: The crown will be perfect only when the white carpet turns red.
Translation: Would you like to join us? This place is already full of people! There are more than ninety people together. We need to be hurry. There's not much time left!
Translations: The moment I put it on my head, I had everything. I was definitely saved in my dream.
Translations: Signed with God, he faced flames every day. I saw a different world, feeling an unknown power in the exploding flames.
Translations: It was written on the flying paper! You have to make a big decision to have it, but the moment you have it, a new world unfolds!
Oct 23rd
ymenehcra99 continues to comment the same messages in Dreamcatcher's livestreams and videos.
Oct 24th
Oct 25th
보내주신 모든 DM을 확인했습니다. 수많은 DM이 왔지만 제가 올린 트윗을 읽고 따라 하시거나 장난치려는 분들이 대부분이네요... 여러분들에게는 제가 겪은 일들이 아무것도 아닐지 모르겠지만 저에게 있어 왕관을 찾는 일이 매우 중요한 일이라는 점 알아주시고 장난은 삼가해주시길 부탁드립니다.Translation: "I have checked all the DMs you sent. I've received a lot of DMs, but most of them read my tweets and follow them or try to make fun of me... What I've been through may be nothing to you, but please understand that finding the crown is very important to me, and please refrain from making jokes."
공통적으로 말씀 주시는 부분에 대해 말씀드립니다.
1. 왕관을 찾으신 분은 왕관 사진을, 왕관에 대한 집착이 생기신 분은 구체적인 상황을 보내주세요.
2. 문 밖에 누군가 찾아왔을 때 문을 열어보신 분은 어떤 일이 벌어졌는지 알려주세요.
3. 제게 생긴 이상한 계정은 트위터와 유튜브뿐입니다.Translation: "I'd like to make an announcement for everyone who talked to me.
1. If you find a crown, please send me a picture of the crown, and if you are obsessed with the crown, please send me your specific situation.
2. Anyone who opened the door when someone came outside, please tell me what happened.
3. The only strange accounts I have made are Twitter and YouTube."
그리고 함부로 왕관을 찾으려 하지 말라고 적혀있는데 왜 왕관을 찾으려고 하느냐는 질문을 많이 주시는데요. 저는 종이에 반드시 맞는 말만 적혀있다고는 생각하지 않습니다. 종이를 주운 지 일주일이 한참 지났음에도 아직까지 매일 누군가가 찾아오고 있다는 것이 그 증거입니다.Translation: "Many people ask me why I'm trying to find the crown when it's written that you should not recklessly try to find the crown. I don't believe that only the right words are written on that paper. The proof is that even though it's been a week since I picked up the paper, someone still comes to find me every day."
ymenehcra99 then makes a poll to decide their next action
매일같이 찾아와 문을 두드리는 누군가 때문에 너무 힘이 듭니다. 이제는 환청인가 싶은 생각도 듭니다. 저를 돕고자 하시는 분들의 의견을 한번 들어보고 싶습니다. 투표 결과에 따라 내일 아침이 오기 전 어떻게 할지 결정하도록 하겠습니다.1.문을 열어준다
2: 문을 열어주지 않는다Translation: "It's so hard because someone comes and knocks on the door every day. Now I wonder if I'm hallucinating. I'd like to hear from people who want to help me. I'll decide what to do before tomorrow morning, depending on the results of the vote."Vote:
1. Open the door
2. Don't open the door
The poll ends with the decision: Open the door.Some time later, ymenehcra tweets again.
여러분의 의견대로 오늘은 누군가가 문을 두드리자마자 문을 열어보았습니다. 밖에 사람은 존재하지 않았습니다. 오직 이 종이만이 떨어져 있었을 뿐... 이번에도 왕관과 관련된 종이였습니다. 왜 계속 제 주변에서 이런 종이가 발견되는 것일까요? 도대체 누가 이 종이를 놓고 가는 것일까요?Translation: "Just as everyone said, someone knocked on my door and I opened it. However, there was no one there and only just this paper... This time it was a paper related to the crown. Why do I keep discovering these papers and who is leaving them behind?"
Translation:"Hello? By the time you read this, I'd probably have become a lucky person.Everyone wants money and power, and a lavish eternal life where everything lasts.
And I'm on my way to enjoy that.
It would be a pity to know about the legendary crown just by myself, which is why I'm writing this.
I hope many of you will receive this letter. The place I've arrived also has other people who've come searching for the crown.
But they all seem to be sleeping, so I'm walking quietly. They seem like they're here for the crown.
I'm going to walk constantly while others are asleep.Wait, what am I here for, ah, I'm here for the crown.As soon as you wear the crown, I heard that a new world will unfold, and I'll feel like I'm flying in the sky.
It's as if the crown will save me. But I don't want it– I want the crown.
But I want to go home. I can see the crown from afar. I don't want to go home.
I really want to wear the crown. Wait. You don't want the crown, do you? I believe that you don't (do you want it?)That's wrong...I don't want it... (Other people...)I want it.....no? I don't want it.I think it's better to stop. Don't read any further. This is not my writing. No. It is my writing. You can come in. Don't you want me? I'm shining. You'll enjoy an eternal life if you have me.
Come to me. You're coming to me, right?
Come to me. I'm waiting for you.Hello? By the time you read this, you'd probably have also become a lucky person."
Cr: traum0113
Oct 26th
Translations:Audience Player
In the video posted on your account, the text caller is saved as a crown, not a regular number. Isn't it from someone you knew? Or isn't it your cell phone?ymenehcra99
That video was uploaded when I didn't remember so I don't know. There is no one saved as a crown on my phone right now.
Oct 27th
Dreamcatcher performed at the Changwon K-Pop World Festival
After Dreamcatcher's performance, ymenehcra posted again.
And at 9PM KST as previously seen in the C video obtained through the QR code on the bunny, we go to the official Dreamcatcher store and discover a new item.
본 이미지는 상품의 이해를 돕기 위한 예시로, 실제 상품과 다를 수 있습니다.본 제품은 ID당 최대 1개까지 구매가 가능합니다.99개 한정판 굿즈이기 때문에 거울이 깨진 채로 배송을 받는 경우를 제외하고는 어떠한 사유로도 환불은 불가합니다.경미한 스크래치 및 프린팅 불량은 문 앞에 찾아온 누군가의 소행일 수 있으므로 교환은 불가합니다.상품명은 완벽한 왕관이 그려진 거울이라고 표기되어 있으나,
아직 완벽한 왕관이 아닌 상태라는 점을 알려드립니다.당신이 99번째 행운아가 되길 바라겠습니다. / 언젠가 도움이 될 수 있으니 항상 소지하여주시기 바랍니다.정체 모를 물건이 동봉될 수 있습니다. 조심히 개봉해주시길 당부 드립니다.
Translation:"This image is an example to help you understand the product and may differ from the actual product.You are allowed to purchase up to one unit of this product per ID.Given that this is a limited edition item with only 99 available, refunds are not permissible under any circumstances, except if the mirror arrives damaged or broken.Minor scratches and printing defects may be the result of someone's actions at your door, so exchanges are not possible.While the product is labeled as a 'Mirror with a Perfect Crown', please be aware that it's not a perfect crown yet.I hope you will be the lucky 99th person / It may help you someday, so please always carry it with you.Be aware, an unidentified item could be included in the package. Please open it carefully."
Note: DREAMCATCHER COMPANY's logo does not usually include the cats.
The unidentified item has not been disclosed.
Oct 28th
A new tweet is posted by ymenehcra.
Another DMs are answered by ymenehcra.
Oct 30th
A new mysterious picture is tweeted by ymenehcra.
Oct 31st
Dreamcatcher (드림캐쳐) announces their 9th Mini Album name and the important dates.
Nov 2nd
'Mirror with the perfect crown' are delivered.The package contains the mirror, a dart, and a note.
Dreamcatcher's 9th Mini Album pre-order information post.
오늘 학교에서 이상한 일이 있었습니다. 제 친구가 자랑할 게 있다면서 가방을 뒤지더니 무언가를 보여주었습니다. 친구가 꺼낸 것은 C컴퍼니에서 만든 그 거울이었습니다. 제 기억은 거기까지입니다. 그러니까, 거울을 본 이후부터의 기억은 없고 정신을 차려보니 집이었습니다. 심지어 제 것도 아닌거울을 손에 꼭 쥐고 있었기에 친구에게 전화해 자초지종을 물어보았습니다. 친구는 제가 거울을 본 순간부터 표정이 변하더니 거울을 줄 때까지 친구를 괴롭히고 내껀데 네가 왜 갖고 있냐며 소리를 지르고 친구를 마구 꼬집었다고 합니다. 트위터에 일일이 쓰지 않아서 그렇지 이런 일들은 제 일상속에서 비일비재하게 일어나고 있습니다. 거울을 빼앗긴 친구도 이제 연락하지 말자며 더는 친구로 지낼 수 없겠다고 합니다. 이 친구뿐만 아니라 다른 사람들도 제 돌발적인 행동에 하나둘 떠나고 있습니다. 더는 친구를 잃고 싶지 않습니다. 왕관을 찾아 빨리 이 모든 일들을 해결하고 싶습니다.Translation: "Something strange happened at school today. My friend said they had something to brag about, so they searched through their bag and showed me something. What my friend took out was the mirror made by C Company. My memory ends there. I mean, So, I don't remember anything from the moment I looked in the mirror, but when I realized it I was at home. Since I was holding the mirror that wasn't even mine tightly in my hand, I called my friend and asked them what was going on. My friend said that my face changed from the moment I looked in the mirror, and I bullied my friend until they gave me the mirror. I yelled at my friend, asking why you had it when it was mine, and started pinching my friend. I don't post everything on Twitter, but these things are my daily life.It's happening all the time. The friend whose mirror was taken away also tells me not to contact them anymore and that we can no longer be friends. Not only this friend, but other people are leaving one by one due to my unexpected behavior. I don't want to lose any more friends. I want to find the crown and resolve all these issues quickly."
Nov 5th
Nov 6th
Around 5:30 PM KST, ymenehcra starts writing on twitter again. The first post is a reply to their own last tweet.
They then describe what else they could remember from their dreams.
계단만 오르다 끝났던 꿈이라고 생각했는데 사진을 보니 흐릿하게 기억이 나는 것 같습니다. 매일 레드카펫의 계단을 오르는 꿈을 꾸던 저는 어느 시점부터 조금 다른 꿈을 꾸기 시작했습니다. 끝이 없는 레드카펫 위에서 누군가를 피해 도망치고 또 도망치는 꿈이었습니다.그러던 어느 날, 레드카펫의 끝이 보이기 시작했습니다. 그 끝에는 왕관이 놓여있었습니다. 그곳에서 벗어나고 싶던 저는 허겁지겁 왕관에게 달려갔습니다. 차가운 왕관에 손이 닿자, 순간적으로 눈앞이 빛으로 가득 차며 레드카펫 위에 사람들의 환영이 보였습니다.잘 보이진 않았지만, 잔인하게 싸우고 있던 사람들을 본 것 같습니다. 그리고 희미하게 "너도 우리와 같아질 거야"라는 말도 들려왔던 것 같습니다. 그렇게 저는 꿈에서 깨어났습니다. 그 이후로는 다시는 그 꿈을 꾸지 않았었는데....이곳은 실재하는 곳인 걸까요? 어떻게 꿈에서의 장소가 이렇게 사진으로 남을 수가 있는 걸까요?Translation: "I thought it was a dream that ended with just climbing the stairs, but looking at the picture, I seem to remember it in a hazy way. I dreamed of walking up the red carpet stairs every day, but at some point I started having slightly different dreams. It was a dream of running away from someone on an endless red carpet.""Then one day, the end of the red carpet began to be seen. There was a crown at the end. I wanted to get away from there, so I ran to the crown in a hurry. When I touched the cold crown, my eyes were instantly filled with light and I saw visions of people on the red carpet.""I couldn't see it well, but I think I saw people who were fighting brutally. And I think I've heard faintly, "You're going to be like us." So I woke up from my dream. I never dreamed of it again after that...""Is this a real place? How can a place in a dream be photographed like this?"
At 6 PM KST, Dreamcatcher reveals the first teaser images for their new comeback.
Nov 7th
Nov 8th
Nov 9th
Around 9 PM KST, a new picture is posted on ymenehcra's twitter.
Nov 10th
Around 12 AM KST, ymenehcra writes another tweet.
이제 막학기이고 정말 취업도 빨리 해야 하는데 기억을 잃는 빈도수가 점점 늘고 있는 것 같아 너무 걱정됩니다. 면접 중에 또 기억을 잃고 이상한 행동을 하진 않을지... 병원에서는 아무 이상 없다고만 하고... 왕관을 찾는 것 외에 어떠한 해결책도 존재하지 않는 것 같아 더 답답하네요.Translation: "It's the last semester and I really need to get a job quickly, but I'm really worried because the frequency of memory loss seems to be increasing. I wonder if I'll lose my memory again and act strangely during the interview... The hospital just said there's nothing wrong... It's even more frustrating because there doesn't seem to be any solution other than finding the crown."
At 6 PM KST, Dreamcatcher reveals the tracklist of their new mini album VillainS.
Nov 11th
Around 6 PM KST, ymenehcra tweets another picture.
Nov 12th
조금 전, 이상한 경험을 했습니다. 지금까지는 제가 기억을 완전히 잃으며 이상한 행동을 했다면, 오늘은 제가 기억도 잃지 않았고 정신마저 온전한 채로 그 일이 벌어졌습니다. 단순히 편의점에 가려고 폰도 챙기지 않은 채로 나온 외출이었습니다.평소처럼 횡단보도 앞에서 신호를 기다리던 그때, 눈앞에 그 왕관이 그려진 트럭이 지나갔습니다. 거울에도, 편지에도 그려져 있던 바로 그 왕관이었습니다. 왕관 때문이었던 건지 갑작스럽게 트럭을 따라가야겠다는 참을 수 없는 충동에 휩싸이기 시작했습니다. 저는 달릴 수 있는 한 최대한 빠르게달려 트럭을 따라가기 시작했습니다. 어느 순간 힘이 빠져 도저히 트럭을 따라잡을 수 없겠다는 생각이 들었을 때마다 이상하게도 트럭도 자연스레 속도를 늦추어 제가 따라잡을 수 있게끔 했다는 생각이 이제서야 드네요. 덕분에 저는 계속해서 트럭을 쫓아가게 되었습니다. 그러다 저는 문득다른 차의 경적 소리에 정신을 차리고 제가 차도 한가운데에 서 있다는 것을 깨달았습니다. 고개를 들어 주변을 둘러보니 이미 트럭은 사라진 상태였습니다. 다행히 주변에서 도움을 주셔서 저는 곧바로 집으로 들어올 수 있었고 이렇게 트윗을 작성 중입니다.트럭을 끝까지 따라갔다면 저는 어떻게 되었을까요? 그리고 그 트럭은 무엇이었을까요? 앞으로는 또 어떤 이상한 일이 벌어질지... 두려울 뿐입니다.Translation: "A little while ago, I had a strange experience. Until now, I had completely lost my memory and behaved strangely, but today it happened without me losing my memory and with my mind still intact. I went out without even taking my phone with me just simply going to the convenience store.As I was waiting for the signal at the crosswalk as usual, a truck with the crown painted on it passed right in front of me. It was the same crown that was painted on the mirror and in the letter. Perhaps it was because of the crown, but I suddenly began to have an irresistible urge to follow the truck. I run as fast as I canI ran and started following the truck. Strangely enough, whenever I felt like I was losing strength and couldn't catch up with the truck, it occurred to me now that the truck would naturally slow down to allow me to catch up. This made me keep chasing the truck. Then suddenly-The sound of another car's horn woke me up and I realized I was standing in the middle of the driveway. When I looked up and looked around, the truck was already gone. Fortunately, thanks to the help of those around me, I was able to come home right away and am writing this tweet.What would have happened to me if I had followed the truck all the way? And what was that truck? I'm just afraid of what strange things will happen in the future."
Nov 13th
At 9 PM KST, another picture is tweeted by ymenehcra.
Nov 14th
저번에 트럭을 따라갔던 후로 저는 집에서 계속 나가지 않고 있습니다. 집에서 계속 컴퓨터 했다가 폰도 잠깐 만졌다가를 반복하다 보니 조금 지루하다는 생각이 들었습니다. 그때 저에게 이상한 전화가 걸려 왔습니다. 전화를 받기 전부터 번호가 000-OOTD로 뜨길래 요새 광고 전화는 영어로 전화번호설정을 해둘 수도 있는 건지 의구심을 품으며 받은 전화였습니다. 괜히 또 이상한 일에 휘말리는 건 아닐지 걱정도 되었지만 심심하기도 했고 혹시나 왕관에 대한 이야기를 들려줄 수 있지 않을까 하는 생각도 스쳐 지나가자, 전화를 받아야겠다는 생각이 머릿속에 가득 찼습니다. 상대 쪽에선 어떠한이야기도 하지 않는 듯 하였지만 곧이어 알 수 없는 소리를 내고선 전화를 끊어버렸습니다. 별일 아닌 걸 수도 있겠지만 음성을 듣자마자 소름이 쫙 돋기도 했고 괜히 찜찜해서 다시 전화를 걸어보려 했지만 통화목록에는 아무것도 없었습니다. 다행히 자동으로 통화 녹음이 되게끔 설정해 두었던기억이 떠올랐고 정상적으로 녹음이 된 것을 확인했습니다. 이곳에 올린다고 해도 아무것도 해결되지 않을 것이란걸 잘 알고 있지만 그래도 조금이나마 마음이 편해지는 것 같아 올려봅니다.Translation: "I haven't left the house since the last time I followed the truck. I found it a bit boring to keep using the computer and the phone at home. At that time, I received a strange phone call. Even before I answered the phone, the number was displayed as 000-OOTD, I answered the phone doubting if these days advertisements calls set their numbers in English.I was worried that I might get caught up in something strange again, but I was also bored, and the thought that I might be able to tell a story about the crown passed through my mind, and the thought of answering the phone filled my mind. The other side didn't seem to say anything, but soon after, they made an unknown sound and hung up.It may not have been a big deal, but as soon as I heard the voice, I got goosebumps and felt uncomfortable, so I tried to call again, but there was nothing in my call list.Fortunately, I remembered that I had set the call to be recorded automatically and confirmed that it was recorded properly. I know that posting it here won't solve anything, but I'm posting it because I think it will put my mind at ease a little."
Nov 15th
At 6 PM KST, Dreamcatcher releases the highlight medley for their next album VillainS.
Nov 16th
Around 8 PM KST, ymenehcra shared with us on Twitter another event she went through.
집에만 있는 게 딱히 도움이 되는 것 같지 않아 어제부터 산책을 시작했습니다. 이상하게 차려입고 싶어서 예쁜 옷을 골라입고 나갔더니 괜히 자신감이 생기고 저 스스로가 빛나는 것 같았습니다. 오늘도 나갈 준비를 하는데 어떤 옷을 입을지 몇 시간 동안이나 고민하는 저를 발견했습니다. 고민 끝에밖으로 나와 동네를 돌다 한 옷 가게에서 마음에 쏙 드는 모자를 쓴 마네킹을 보게 되었습니다. 직원에게 부탁하여 그 모자를 쓰고 거울을 보니 더욱 갖고싶다는 생각이 들었습니다. 그때 마침 다른 손님이 옷 가게로 들어왔고 직원은 그 손님을 응대하러 사라졌습니다. 그때 갑자기 모자를 훔치고 싶다는 충동이 들기 시작했습니다. 직원에게 보이지 않게 고개를 숙이고 조심스럽게 문 쪽으로 향했습니다. 그러다 문에 비친 제 모습을 보게 되었습니다. 순간 지금 뭐 하고 있는 건가 하는 생각이 들어 다시 마네킹에게 모자를 씌우고 돌아왔습니다. 제가 왜 이러는 걸까요? 이것도 왕관 때문인걸까요?Translation: "Staying at home didn't seem to be helping much, so I started taking a walk yesterday. Strangely I wanted to dress up, so I chose pretty clothes and went out, and I felt confident and looked like I was shining. As I was getting ready to go out today, I found myself thinking about what to wear for hours. After much thought,""I came out and went around the neighborhood and saw a mannequin wearing a hat that I liked at a clothing store. When I asked the employee to wear the hat and look in the mirror, I wanted it even more. At that time, another customer came into the clothing store and the employee disappeared to serve the customer. Then, I suddenly began to have an urge to steal the hat.""I lowered my head so as not to be seen by the staff and carefully headed towards the door. Then I saw my reflection in the door. For a moment, I wondered what I was doing and returned to putting the hat on the mannequin. Why am I doing this? Is this also because of the crown?"
Around 11 PM KST, ymenehcra posted another picture on her twitter.
Nov 17th
Shortly after midnight, ymenehcra responds to a comment made on that last published image.
Translations:Audience Player
"BESTIE YOU FOUND IT!!!"ymenehcra
"I do not know. I don't even remember finding this crown... no, I don't even remember seeing it. However, if until now I could only vaguely imagine what a real crown looks like without knowing what it looks like, this time I am confident that the crown in this photo is a real crown. Am I one step closer to the crown...?"
A new picture is posted at 2 PM KST.
Some tweets regarding that image are made at 10:30 PM KST.
오늘 올라온 사진을 보고 혹시나 해서 집안을 뒤져봤더니 처음 보는 옷과 사진 속 영수증이 옷장에 들어있었습니다. 심지어 몇 년 동안 알바비를 모아두던 통장에서도 같은 금액이 빠져나가 있었습니다. 당장 월세 낼 돈조차도 남아있지 않았습니다. 아마 기억이 사라졌을 때의 제가 산 것이겠죠.하지만 큰일 났다, 어떻게 해야 하지 하는 고민보다는이 정도 사치는 부려도 되지 않을까 하는 생각이 더 많이 드는 것 같습니다. 안 그래도 요즘 들어 왕관에 대한 생각을 계속하다 보니 왕관에 어울리는 사람이 되어야겠다, 이제 좀 화려하게 꾸미고 다녀야겠다는 생각이 절로 들던 참이었는데집에서 발견된 옷도 마음에 드는 것 같고요. 저는 어차피 곧 왕관을 가지게 될 거라는 확신도 있는데 이 정도는 뭐 괜찮을 것 같습니다.Translation: "After seeing the photo posted today, I searched the house just in case, and I found clothes I had never seen before and the receipt in the photo were in the closet. The same amount was even deducted from the bank account where I had been saving my part-time expenses for several years. I didn't even have money left to pay rent right now. It's probably something I bought when my memory disappeared.""However, rather than worrying about what to do about a big problem, I think I'm more concerned about whether I can afford to indulge in this level of luxury. As I've been thinking about the crown lately, I've been thinking about becoming a person worthy of the crown and dressing up a little more extravagantly""I also seem to like the clothes I found at home. I am sure that I will have the crown soon anyway, so I think this will be okay."
Nov 18th
At 1 AM KST, ymenehcra posts another picture.
At 3 AM KST, ymenehcra posts a reply to the previous image.
이 공책... 어쩐지 낯이 익은 공책이라 곰곰히 생각해보니 제 일기장인 것 같아 일기를 샅샅이 살펴보았습니다. 아니나다를까 제 일기장의 마지막 페이지에 똑같이 적혀있었습니다. 왕관의 자격을 갖춰야만 한다... 설마 왕관에 어울리는 화려한 사람이 되어야 하는걸까요?요며칠 있었던 옷에 관련된 이상한 일들도 왕관에 어울리는 사람이 되어야 하기에 벌어졌던 일이었던 거라면 모두 설명이 가능한 것 같습니다.Translation: "This notebook... It looked somewhat familiar, so I thought about it carefully and thought it was my diary, so I looked through the diary. Sure enough, the same thing was written on the last page of my diary. You have to be worthy of the crown... Do you really have to be a glamorous person worthy of the crown?""I think the strange things that have happened over the past few days related to clothes can all be explained if they happened because I had to become a person worthy of the crown."
Around 9 PM KST, more tweets are posted by ymenehcra.
오늘은 저의 유일한 친구를 만나고 왔습니다. 오랜만에 재미있는 시간이었습니다. 그런데 별것이 아닐 수도 있겠지만 찝찝한 일이 하나 있었습니다. 친구를 만나러 가던 중 앞서가는 사람의 주머니에서 립스틱 하나가 떨어지는 것을 보게 되었습니다. 그 립스틱에는 그 왕관이 그려져 있었습니다.떨어트린 것도 모르는 것 같은데 내가 가질까 하는 생각도 잠시, 정신을 차리고 주인을 불러 립스틱을 건네주었습니다. 그러자 그 사람은 고맙다며 대뜸 손에 들고 있던 조그마한 캐리어를 제게 내밀었습니다. 괜찮다고 거절하였지만, 그 사람은 너무 고마워서 그렇다며 재차 가지라고 하는 탓에 어쩔수 없이 캐리어를 넘겨받았습니다. 약속에 살짝 늦은 감이 있어 정신없이 가느라 캐리어에 무엇이 들었는지 보지도 못했는데 친구네 집에 깜박하고 두고 온 것 같습니다. 어차피 다음 주 주말에 다시 만나기로 했으니 그 안에 무엇이 들어있는지 여러분들에게도 공유해 드리도록 하겠습니다.Translation: "Today I met my only friend. It was the first fun time in a long time. It may not be a big deal, but there was one thing that bothered me. While I was on my way to meet my friend, I saw a lipstick fall out of the pocket of the person ahead of me. The crown was drawn on that lipstick.""I don't think she even knew she dropped it, but for a moment I wondered if I should keep it. I came to my senses and called the owner and handed her the lipstick. Then the person said thank you and handed me the small carrier she was holding in her hand. I refused and said it was okay, but the person said she was so grateful and told me to take it again, so I had no choice but to take over the carrier.""I was a little late to meet my friend, and I was in a hurry that I didn't even see what was in the carrier, and I think I left it at my friend's house. Anyway, we are planning to meet again next weekend, so I will share with you what is in it."
Another image is posted on ymenehcra's twitter at 11 PM KST.
Nov 19th
At midnight, ymenehcra writes a reply under that last image.
At 1 AM KST, a mysterious video is uploaded to ymenehcra's twitter.
URL: https://x.com/ymenehcra99/status/1725906717677097032?s=20
At 11 AM KST, more tweets are made by ymenehcra.
조금 기묘한 꿈을 꾸었습니다. 저는 지난번 레드카펫 꿈처럼 끝이 없는 바닥 위에 서 있었습니다. 같은 방향으로 계속 걸어가자, 계단이 나왔고 저는 그 계단을 올랐습니다. 계단 위에는 왕관이 있었습니다. 저는 왕관을 잡으려 했고 순식간에 튕겨나와 계단 밑으로 떨어져 버렸습니다. 높은 곳에서떨어진 탓인지 저는 마치 누가 잡고 있는 것처럼 손끝 하나 움직일 수가 없었습니다. 그때 어디선가 사람들이 나타났고 그 사람들은 계단을 오르며 싸우기 시작했습니다. 그리고 곧 그 싸움에서 살아남은 한 명이 계단 끝까지 올라 왕관을 쓰자 그 사람은 물론, 싸우다 쓰러졌던 사람들까지 전부사라졌고 왕관의 모양도 바뀌어버렸습니다. 그리곤 다른 사람들이 나타났고 그 사람들도 서로를 해치며 단 한 명만이 왕관을 쓰게 되었습니다. 다시 왕관은 모습을 바꾸었습니다. 이 과정이 몇십번이나 반복되었을 때쯤, 왕관은 이전에 올라온 사진 속에서의 보라색 보석이 박힌 왕관이 되었습니다.이제 사람들은 더 이상 나타나지 않았고 저는 그제야 움직일 수 있다는 것을 깨달았습니다. 몸을 일으켜 계단을 올랐고 계단 위에는 왕관과 함께 일곱명의 사람들이 서있었습니다. 그 중 한명은 저에게 왕관을 씌워주었습니다. 그리곤 꿈에서 깨어났습니다. 드디어 왕관을 차지했는데 꿈이었다는 것을깨닫고 화가 많이 났었는데 이렇게 트윗을 쓰다 보니 마음이 편해지는 것 같고 좋네요. 앞으로도 종종 저의 꿈에 대한 이야기를 남겨보겠습니다.Translation: "I had a bit of a strange dream. Like the last red carpet dream, I was standing on an endless floor. As I continued walking in the same direction, I came across some stairs and I climbed them. There was a crown at the top of the stairs. I tried to grab the crown but then I got pushed out in an instant and fell down the stairs.""Perhaps because I fell from a high place, I couldn't move a single finger as if someone was holding me. At that time, people appeared from somewhere and they started fighting as they climbed the stairs. And soon, when one person who survived the fight climbed to the top of the stairs and put on the crown, and not only that person, but also those who had fallen while fighting, disappeared,""and the shape of the crown changed too. Then other people appeared and they also harmed each other, until only one person was crowned. Again the crown changed its appearance. After this process was repeated dozens of times, the crown became the purple gem-studded crown in the previously uploaded photo."Now people stopped showing up and I realized I could move. I got up and climbed the stairs, and there were seven people standing on the stairs with crowns. One of them crowned me. And then I woke up from my dream. I finally won the crown, and when I realized it was a dream,""I was very angry, but after writing this tweet, I feel at ease. I will often leave stories about my dreams in the future."
At 6 PM KST, ymenehcra posts another video. It's just a black screen with nothing to be seen, but some weird noises can be heard.
URL: https://x.com/ymenehcra99/status/1726163412319953359?s=20
Playing the video's audio through an SSTV decoder reveals a picture.
The location shown in the image is a university campus in Seoul.
At 9 PM KST, ymenehcra tweets again.
여러분! 오랜만에 좋은 소식이 있어 여러분께 알려드립니다. 최근에 한 유명 잡지의 에디터분께서 DM으로 연락을 주셨습니다. 무려 인터뷰를 요청해 주셨답니다! 이 에디터분은 제 계정에 올라왔던 모든 이야기들을 읽어보셨고 너무 흥미로웠다고 하셨습니다. 심지어 저를 위해 선물도 준비해 주셨다고합니다. 이렇게 인터뷰 요청을 받은 건 태어나서 처음이라 어떤 옷을 입고 나가야 할지 조금 걱정이 됩니다. 그리고 한편으로는 설레이기도 하고요. 인터뷰를 하게 되면 저는 더욱더 왕관에 어울리고, 또 왕관의 자격이 있는 아주 화려한 사람이 될 것 같습니다. 이게 다 여러분들이 저의 이야기에관심을 가져주신 덕분입니다. 아마 여러분들도 곧 저의 인터뷰를 보실 수 있을 텐데요. 많은 관심과 사랑 부탁드리겠습니다.Translation: "Everyone! It's been a while since I have some good news to share with you. Recently, an editor from a famous magazine contacted me via DM. They actually requested an interview! This editor said they had read all the stories posted on my account and found them very interesting. They even prepared a gift for me.""This is my first time being asked for an interview like this, so I'm a little worried about what kind of clothes I should wear. And on the other hand, I'm also excited. When I do the interview, I think I will become an extravagant person who is more suitable for the crown and worthy of the crown.""This is all thanks to your interest in my story. Perhaps you will be able to see my interview soon. Please show a lot of interest and love."
Nov 20th
At 11 PM KST:
여러분. 방금 올라온 트윗은 제가 올린 트윗이 아닙니다. 모두 속지 마시길 바랍니다.속이려고 한 거 아니야ㅎ 내가 말해주고 싶은 건 네가 찾는 왕관의 모습은 계속 바뀐다는 것뿐. 그럼에도 불구하고 왕관의 주인은 한눈에 알아볼 수 있다고들 하지. 네가 과연 왕관을 알아볼 수 있을까?네. 제가 그토록 찾던 왕관인데 당연히 한눈에 알아볼 수 있을거라 생각합니다. 아니, 사실 지금도 이미 왕관의 모습을 알고 있습니다.그래. 그럼 왕관을 찾을 수 있는 방법을 알려줄게ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ 지금 당장 그것에 대한 주의사항을 태워버려.Translation:
"Everyone. The tweet that just came up wasn't posted by me. I hope you all don't be fooled.I'm not trying to fool everyone. All I want to say is that the shape of the crown you're looking for keeps changing. Nevertheless, it is said that the owner of the crown can recognize the crown at a glance. So will you be able to recognize the crown?Yes. It's the crown I've been looking for so long, so of course I think I'll be able to recognize it at a glance. No, actually, I already know what the crown looks like even now.Okay. Then I'll show you how to find the crownㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ Burn the caution about that right now."
Translations:Audience Player
"Be careful!! You can’t burn it in front of the crown. You’re talking to the crown now!"ymenehcra
"Thank you for your concern. I just tried burning the paper and nothing happened. I thought the crown would appear... If anything happens tomorrow, I'll leave a tweet. I hope that when I open my eyes tomorrow morning, there will be a crown..."
Nov 21th
At 11 AM KST:
그것에 대해 올리지 말 걸 그랬습니다. 괜히 이곳에 올려 너무 많은 사람들이 그것의 존재를 알아차린 것 같습니다. 사람들이 그것을 탐하면 어쩌죠?????이런 게 왜 올라와 있죠? 더 이상 읽지 마세요. 저의 글이 아니에요. 저는 단지 왕관을 찾아 모든 걸 해결하고 싶었을 뿐입니다.Translation:"I shouldn't have posted about it. I think too many people have noticed its existence because I am posting it here for no reason. What if people covet it?""????""Why is something like this posted? Don't read any further. It's not my writing. I just wanted to find the crown and solve everything."
단호히 경고하겠는데, 자꾸 저인 척 글 올리지 마세요.경고요? 저는 단지 당신이 가진 욕망을 이뤄줄 뿐인걸요. 마음속을 잘 들여다보시길 바랍니다. 이렇게 생각하고 계시지 않았나요?...
아아, 당신은 왕관이군요.Translation:
"I would like to firmly warn you, please do not continue to post pretending to be me.Warning? I just make your desires come true. Please take a good look inside your heart. Weren’t you thinking this way?...
Ah, so you are the crown."
Nov 22th
12 AM KST:
이걸 y보고 계o신 여러u분도 t혹시 그u것을 찾고 계.신가요? 눈을 감고b 상상해보e세요. 반짝/이는 그것을_ 결E국 손K에 넣은 채, 새로운T 세상이 펼쳐지는 것Q을...제게로 오세C요. 우리는 이b곳에서 100번째 행운아W를 기다리a고 있겠T습니Y다.Translation:
"Those(y) of you(o) who(u) are watching(t) this, are you(u) also looking for that? Try to close(b) your eyes and imagine(e). With that shiny/ object_ in(E) your hands(K), a new(T) world(Q) unfolds...""Come to me(C). We will be here(b) waiting(W) for the 100th(a) lucky(T) person(Y)."
YOUTUBE URL: youtube.com/watch?v=_EKTQCbWaTY
ymenehcra joined chat:ymenehcra:
Do you believe in the power of the crown?
Do you believe in the power of the crown?
Do you believe in the power of the crown?Shasha:
Follow the mark of the crown if you believe it.
The moment I put it on my head, I had everything.
I was definitely saved in my dream.
The crown will be perfect
only when the white carpet turns red.Shasha:
Who are u?ymenehcra:
It's up to me? No, only the crown can determine fate.
Would you like to join us?
This place is already full of people!
There are over ninety people together.
We need to hurry.
6 PM KSTDreamcatcher released the Music Video (MV) for their title track ‘OOTD.
The MV appears to show visual representations of some events that ymenehcra shared through her tweets, such as:
The truck with a crown.
People fighting on top of a red carpet.
7 people and one of them crowning the person we are seeing the point of view of.
At around 6:30 PM KST, fans went to the showcase venue and saw the ghost things that ymenehcra tweeted previously at the venue
Ghost-like things hanging in the venue contained signed Polaroids
At the Dreamcatcher pop-out store we also found:
A crown
A bloodied note
And ymenehcra's diary


Translation: "This happened on the 22nd. It is said that around the time our employee was leaving work, a person wearing a hat backwards appeared and handed us a mysterious box, saying we must show it to everyone. Inside the box was a crown and a diary. For some reason, we felt like we had to show it to InSomnias, so we displaying it like this."

"October 13th
Today is the day the interview result is announced, and I... failed... Is it real? To be honest, I don't remember what I said during the interview, but what did I do to get rejected? That can't be possible... Why on earth did I get rejeated... I'm really frustrated. What's even weirder is that I was logged back into YouTube with that account. This is already the third time. Even though I deleted my account, I am logged in again. Even twitter was like that yesterday. There was a strange picture of iron bars on Twitter, so I deleted it, but when I looked at it today, it was posted again. Anyway, I thought Twitter would be the same as YouTube even if I delete the account, so I just left it because I was annoyed. Is the phone the problem? Why it keeps acting up like that? Is this really because I picked up that paper? I don't think I should delete anything that being posted anymore. If I just find the crown, everything can be solved..."

From 9/15 diary, Ymenechra was doing good at school, the professor said they will recommend her to a good company, with her grades + recommendation from the professor, it is said that she can just pass the interview easily! She wanted to gain working experience quickly then she can try to apply for her dream company, 'the C company', and also repay her parents.Because of the crown, ymenehcra got rejected in the interview.

From 11/18 diary, ymenehrca said she went to meet her 'twitter mutual', and this mutual is the only friend of her now.
It's the day they had fun and the suitcase left behind in her mutal place.
They will meet again next week, and ymenehrca will ask her to bring it back to her when they meet.
The diary as a whole is another recounting of the events said through her tweets.
Fans were also given a special keyring
Nov 24th
At another fanmeeting, fans are given an attendance card.
Fans are able to decode it with coordinates that lead to a cafe named: Mailroom Sindang
Fans discovered that there were 7 audio files (Dreamcatcher is a 7 member girl group)1 to 7.mp3 in the USB contained separate conversations between 'Dreamcatcher' members.
JiU: Now, everyone gather around, if you follow the instructions... We only need one more person, right?Handong: That's right, she(ymenehr.ca99) wore a crown during the interview earlier, so all we have to do is find the last 100th one.Gahyeon: Let's finish it a little faster this time. The 99th victim didn't work over the phone, and it took too long because it was hidden deep in my desires.SuA: okay. To be honest, the truck was pretty much a success, but who did the car hom? really?Siyeon: Well, it's okay~ It's already over. But how will you decide on the final victim?JiU: We have to choose from among our followers. This person's OOTD looks a bit pretentious and I think it's okay. This person's ID is... Shasha?Dami: Then, since the truck was the most effective for the 99th victim, let's go with the truck again.SuA: But, if we call him out and complete the crown, who among the 7 of us will get it?Dami: Wait a minute, of course it's me, right? Even on first impressions, I look the best.Siyeon: NOOOO?? Don't you know that I lured the most people? Hey, come to your senses.Yoohyeon: Huh? It's really ridiculous. Did you count them all? Don't say nonsense.Gayeon: If you don't give it to me, I won't do it! Then I will report you all.Handong: Report?? It's useless. You are also an accomplice anyway.SuA: Hey, you are really ridiculous!(Noisy)JiU: hey! You guys be quiet. What are you going to do if someone hears it?
We can find more clues on the album: VillainS


Limited Edition (C)Normal Editions (U. R. S. E)
The interview ymenehcra mentions before going silent.

Translation:SHOCKING REVEAL! A RELIC OF A THOUSAND YEARS, THE EXISTENCE OF THE ‘CROWN’ IS REVEALED.The identity of the crown, which had been handed down only verbally since ancient times, was finally revealed. Though the Crown was rumored to grant wealth, power and honor, nobody had known its true identity. Now, the brave testimony of miss A told us this story. The following is the interview with miss A.Q. How did it feel to have that Crown?
A. All people bowed in front of me, and treasures were in my hand. I was thinking, 'why did it take so long to get it in my hand!', and burst out laughing. We should all have the Crown. (Laughs with shining eyes)Q. How did you learn of the Crown's existence?
A. I chanced to see a leaflet that talked about the Crown. Immediately as I saw it, I felt a powerful urge to have it.Q. Now that you have the Crown, what changed the most compared to the past?
A. Yes. That is correct.Q. Try the Crown on! What is the best thing about wearing the Crown?
A. All my vexing thoughts were gone as soon as I put it on. My head feels empty.Q. Was it not hard for you when you were getting the Crown?
A. My feet are not on the ground. They are gone.Q. What does the Crown smell like?
A: A refreshing scent, like a flower garden is sprawling in front of me even with my eyes closed. Actually, it is the same when my eyes are open. As well as when my eyes are closed. When my eyes are open... wait, are my eyes closed now?Q. With your newfound wealth and honor, what do you plan to do with your family?
A. ... (Waves her arms)Q. If you could turn back time, would you travel to find the Crown again?
A. ...Q: What are your plans from here on out?
A. ... (Stamps her feet)Q. Okay. Thank you for giving us this interview. The Crown is in the ocean inside the museum. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.We hear that miss A left like a powder. The Crown is in the ocean inside the museum. You could be the star of an interview, too. Thank you.
There are phrases in the photo book.











Lyric in the song Shatter

Rising lyrics

Rising lyrics
There seem to also be interview answers scattered on the photo books (different versions)

카펫이 점점 붉게 물들어가고 있어요. 그 위를 걷지 마세여.
The carpet is turning red. Don't walk on it.왕관을 가지러 오지 마세요. 왕관은 삼컵니다. 왕관을 가지러 오지 마세요.
Don't come to get the crown. The crown is heavy. Don't come to get the crown.

저기요, 인터뷰를 끝내지 마세요. 끝내지 마새요.
Hey, don't finish the interview. Don't end it.보이지도, 들리지도, 말할 수도 없습니다. 그들이 저를 조종하고 있어요.
I can't be seen, heard, or speak. They are controlling me.

인터뷰를 끝내지 마세요. 알러야만 합니다
Don't finish the interview. I must tell everyone about this.그들에게 자혔어요. 도망칠 수 없습니다. 구해 주세요.
I am caught by them. I cannot escape. Please save me.

모든 사람들에게 아러야만 해요. 제발요.
This must be said to everyone. Please.거기 아무도 없너요? 그들에게 사냥을 다했어요. 도와주세요.
Is there no one there? I have been hunted by them. Please help me.

다른 선택으로 다른 세상의 나는 구원 받길May a different choice save me in another world.
Completed Clues
Complete letter from OCT 14TH

그것의 이야기를 들은 모든 자들을 위한 주의사항※후대를 위해 직접 각성한 주의사항입니다.
※유의하세요. 고대의 왕관은 서로를 해치게 하며, 매흑시키는 힘이 있습니다. 이를 기억하십시오.
※해당 문서를 정독한 후 왕관이 보지 않는 곳에서 불태워 버리십시오. 모든 것을 믿지 마삽사오.1. 그것은 부와 명야, 권력을 쥐여주는 위험한 물건입니다. 함부로 왕관을 착으려 하지 마십시오.
2. 왕관은 관련된 이야기를 들은 즉시 해당 내응을 다른 스람에게 널리 알리십시오.
3. 이야기를 들은 일주일간은 동트기 직전에 내용을 누군자자 찾아올.¿문을 여세요 활짝 여세요 맞이하세요 절대 문을 열지 말고 가족을 생각하도록 노력하십시오 ■■문을열고편지를 받으세요
4. 문을 열지 않았다면, 창문 너머 얼굴이 보일 것입니다¿눈을 마주하세요
5. 왕관을 찾는 사람을 말리◼️지마세요 말리기마십시오
6. 사람을 기다리지 말고 용감하게 그를 따라가세요!
7. 왕관은 당신만이 쓸 수 있는 고귀한 물건입니다
8. 100개의 제물이 완벽한 그것을 만■■다해당 문서의 내용은 모두 사실이며, 문서의 3번~8번을 제외한 모든 것들을 의신하십시오.
Translation with complete text.
Note to all who read it:
※ These instructions are a written reminder for future generations.
※ Be careful. Ancient crowns can cause you to hurt each other and has the power to charm.
Remember this.
※ After carefully reading the document, burn it in a place where the crown cannot see you.
Don't believe everything.1. It is wealth and honor. It's a dangerous thing that holds power. Don't try to find the crown carelessly.2. As soon as you hear anything related to the crown, spread the word about it to others.3. After a week of hearing the story, someone will come visit you just before dawn. Open the door, open it wide to welcome. Don't open the door, think of your family. Open the ■■door and recieve the letter.4. If you don't open the door, you can see the face beyond the window. Look into the eyes.5. Stop those seeking the crown◼️don't. Don't stop them.6. Do not wait for those gone, instead, follow them bravely!7. The crown is a noble object that only you can wear.8. 100 sacrifices make the perfect ■■.The contents of this document are all true, and doubt everything except for items 3 to 8 in the document.
Complete letter from OCT 25TH

Translation with complete text.
"Hello? By the time you read this, I'd probably have become a lucky person.Everyone wants money and power, and a lavish eternal life where everything lasts.
And I'm on my way to enjoy that.
It would be a pity to know about the legendary crown just by myself, which is why I'm writing this.
I hope many of you will receive this letter. The place I've arrived also has other people who've come searching for the crown.
But they all seem to be sleeping, so I'm walking quietly. They seem like they're here for the crown.
I'm going to walk constantly while others are asleep.Wait, what am I here for, ah, I'm here for the crown.As soon as you wear the crown, I heard that a new world will unfold, and I'll feel like I'm flying in the sky.
It's as if the crown will save me. But I don't want it– I want the crown.
But I want to go home. I can see the crown from afar. I don't want to go home.
I really want to wear the crown. Wait. You don't want the crown, do you? I don't believe so.
Do you want it?
I don't.]That's wrong...[Overlapped:
Do others want it?
Yes, that's right.
I don't want it. No, no, no.
I want it. I don’t want it. No, I don’t want it
I want it]I think it's better to stop. Don't read any further. This is not my writing. No. It is my writing. You can come in. Don't you want me? I'm shining. You'll enjoy an eternal life if you have me.
Come to me. You're coming to me, right?
Come to me. I'm waiting for you.Hello? By the time you read this, you'd probably have also become a lucky person."
Dec 10th
9mynameis1 finally returns.
혹시 @ymenehcra99 와 연락이 되는 분 계신가요?분명히 지지난주 주말에 만나기로 했었는데 약속 장소에 나타나긴커녕 아직까지도 연락이 되질 않습니다. 저희 집에다가 모르는 사람한테서 받았다는 캐리어까지 놓고 가서 그걸 받기 위해서라도 연락 하나 없을 애가 아닌데 말이에요... 아마도 그놈의 왕관 때문이겠죠?제 친구가 사라진 일과 이 캐리어가 연관이 있을 수도 있겠다 싶지만 친구에게 일어났던 섬뜩한 일들이 제게도 일어날까 무서워서 캐리어를 열어보지도 못하겠습니다ㅠ 혹시 제 친구를 찾아주실 수 있는 분이 계신다면 캐리어를 드릴테니 친구 좀 찾아주세요..!Translation:"Is there anyone who can get in touch with @ymenehcra99?""Apparently, we were supposed to meet up last weekend, but let alone showing up at the meeting place, I still haven't been able to reach her, She's not the kind of kid who left a suitcase at my house that she received from a stranger and wouldn't even contact me to get it back... Perhaps it's because of that damn crown, right?""I think this suitcase could be related to my friend's disappearance, but I can't even open the suitcase because I'm scared that the same creepy things that happened to my friend will happen to me. If there's anyone who can help me find my friend, I'll give you the suitcase so you can find him. please..!"
Fans were given a suitcase by a masked and robbed individual. (The robes are the official Dreamcatcher's robes.)
Inside the suitcase there were 3 items.
1. A witness statement.
참고인 진술 조서사건 번호: 170113
조사 대상자: 백이지
조사 일시: 2023.09.09
관 계: 단순 목격자문. 네, 참고인분. 우선 진정하시고요. 목격하신 사건에 대해 자세히 설명해 주시겠습니까?답. 아니. 아무도 제 말을 안 믿어주잖아요! 사람이 사라졌다니까요! 빨리 지금 조사해 보셔야 한다고요!문. 네네, 알겠습니다. 목격하셨던 상황을 자세히 한번 말씀 주셔야 저희가 조사를 진행할 수 있습니다. 한 번만 더 진술 부탁드리겠습니다.답. 하... 도대체 몇 번을 말해야 해요! 은색 모자를 쓰고, 가죽 자켓을 입은 사람들이 그 사람한테 왕관을 씌워줬고, 그 사람이 빛이 나면서 사라졌어요.문. 사라졌다는 게 어떻게 사라졌는다는 거죠? 남치를 당한 건가요?답. 그냥 사라졌어요. 머리부터 발까지 서서히 가루가 되더니 그냥 사라졌어요.문. 네. 알겠습니다. 그 이후에는 어떤 일이 있으셨죠?답. 너무 놀라서 한참 굳어있다가 바로 여기로 달려와서 경찰관분들한테 계속 말씀드린 거에요. 그런데 다들 제 말을 안 믿어주시니까...문. 사실 저희는 이 사건에 대해 비밀리에 조사중에 있습니다. 결정적 단서나 증인이 없어 약간의 어려움이 있었으나 목격자분께서 진술해주신 덕분에 수사에 큰 도움이 될 것 같습니다. 진술해 주셔서 감사드리고, 참고인께서는 혹시 정체모를 어떠한 편지를 받게 되실 경우, 저희에게 곧바로 연락 부탁드리겠습니다.답.네. 다 그 왕관 때문인 것 같으니까 빨리 조사 부탁드려요.문. 네. 알겠습니다. 그러면 사건 조사 진행되는 대로 연락드리도록 하겠습니다. 감사합니다.위의 내용이 진술한 내용과 동일함을 인정합니다.서명 백이지(이) 白異志Translation:Witness StatementCase number: 170113
Subject of Investigation: Baek I-JI
Date and time of investigation: 2023.09.09
Relationship: Simple WitnessesQ: Yes, witness. Please calm down first. Could you explain in detail about the incident you witnessed?A: No. No one believes what I say! I'm telling you, someone disappeared! You need to investigate this now!Q: Yes, I understand. We need a detailed account of what you witnessed to proceed with the investigation. Please state your testimony once more.A: Ha... How many times do I have to tell you! People wearing silver hats and leather jackets put a crown on that person, and then the person disappeared in the light.Q: Disappeared? How exactly did they disappear? Were they kidnapped?A: They just vanished. They slowly turned to powder from head to toe and then just disappeared.Q: I see. What happened after that?A: I was so shocked that I was frozen for a while, then I ran here and kept telling the police officers. But no one would believe me...Q: Actually, we have been conducting a confidential investigation on this case. There were some difficulties due to the lack of decisive clues or witnesses, but your statement seems to be of great help to our investigation. Thank you for your testimony, and if you happen to receive any unknown letters, please contact us immediately.A: Yeah. It all seems to be because of that crown, so please investigate quickly.Q: Yes, We understand. We will contact you as the investigation progresses. Thank you.I acknowledge that the above content is identical to my statement.Signature: Baek I-JI
(signed) 白異志
Lore * —————

Theories * —————
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FAQ * —————
〣Who is Dreamcatcher?

Dreamcatcher (Korean: 드림캐쳐, romanized: deurimkaechyeo; also stylized as Dream Catcher) a south korean girl group.🌟 Members: JiU, SuA, Siyeon, Handong, Yoohyeon, Dami, and Gahyeon🎵 Music Style: A magical blend of K-pop, rock, and metal, setting them apart in the vibrant K-pop landscape✨ Dreamcatcher’s concept stands out in the K-pop world. They often incorporate dark, fantasy, and mystical themes into their music videos and lyrics, creating a captivating story throughout their discography. Their choreography is always intricate and powerful, matching their intense music style.Dreamcatcher has come to be known as "The Face of Rock in K-pop". 🌙
〣What's an ARG?
An ARG, or alternate reality game, is a mystery-solving, plot-driven game that uses multimedia platforms as well as aspects of real life in order to solve the mystery and find clues. (Unfiction.com, "history") The most unique and important purpose of the alternate reality game is to blend reality and fiction to a certain point, so that it could pass as real, but players know it is fake yet still continue to play along with it so they can see the end game.
〣What's the difference between an ARG and Scavenger/Treasure/Clue Hunts?
Treasure Hunts, Scavenger Hunts, and Clue Hunts are relatively simple games where participants search for physical/digital items or clues, often with a clear path. They don't have characters or major constant interaction between the game creator and the players. Meanwhile, ARGs are more complex and immersive experiences played across multiple platforms, involving intricate narratives and puzzles. They must blur the line between fiction and reality.
〣What are some common terms in ARGs?
・ Puppetmaster (PM): The person or group responsible for creating and running the ARG. They control the narrative, puzzles, and interactions with players.・ Player or Puppet: The participants in the ARG who are actively engaged in solving puzzles and uncovering the story.・ In-Game (IG/IC) and Out-of-Game (OOG/OOC): These terms distinguish between actions and information that are part of the game (IG/C) and those that are not (OOG/OOC).・ Trailhead: The starting point or entryway into the ARG, often a website or a physical location that provides the first clues.・ Trail: An index of puzzles, clues, characters, and other information found throughout the course of an ARG. A sort of map that lays out what has/had been found, and how they got to that clue or plot point.・ Guide: A chronological walkthrough that narrates the discovery process of an ARG.・ Character: Fictional personas created for the ARG's narrative, sometimes played by real people (actors or PMs) who interact with players.・ Red Herring: False clues or distractions intentionally planted by PMs to mislead players.・ Gamejacker: An individual or group of people who intentionally disrupt or interfere with an ARG or similar game for various reasons. They serve as IG/IC distractions, which players more often learn to distinguish from the relevant trail.・ Live Event: Real-world gatherings or events organized as part of the ARG, where players can interact with characters or find physical clues.
〣Useful Resources:
・ ARGNet Information about ARGs・ Game Detectives Website and Community of ARG's solvers.・ ARG Toolbox Game Detective's Toolbox.
➤・This site has no direct relationship to Dreamcatcher Company, this is made by fans and players as a means of presentation of the ARG's information.
➤・While Dreamcatcher Company has not outright stated this is an ARG, it has showcased all the characteristics to be classified as such.
➤・All translations are done by players and fans of Dreamcatcher/InSomnia as a collective.
Made by twt/x user @Alycans_.
With special thanks to:@2Moori
@Dayb_DaydFor their translations along the way!
Click the heart.

Dreamcatcher is part of the AAA nominations!

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